Monday, December 12, 2011

On an Ethical Note...

Ever wondered what its like to be deeply religious?
I googled "relationships and love in islam" and found a blog where most aspects have been explained to the finishing dot, upon courtship, union between man and wife and the gateway to a healthy marriage.

The three major sins in Islam. Associating partners with Allah. Committing murder. Third, but not the least, it's adultery.

More food for thought...

Ever wondered what the penalty for adultery would be? It's one-hundred-and-fifty lashes. Imagine getting officially whipped, that too so many times. The Caliphs of the Old ordered the punishment and it used to be strictly carried out.

Coming to capitalist punishment, it still is the order of the day in many countries.

And the punishment for stealing was chopping off wrists. Thieving was forgivable only when it was for hunger, i.e. in the case of immense poverty. Stealing for greed meant chopping off only one wrist. If caught stealing the second time, the second wrist would be chopped off as well.

Before the sordid reasoning of Islam had set in, the sinning girl would simply be shamed and stoned to death for adultery. And the man would be left scot-free, to roam the ends of the earth. But Islam deemed an almost equal punishment for both. The shamed woman would be locked up in a room with only food and water for company, deemed unfit for contact with the outside world, for the rest of her days, i.e. after being lashed or whipped with incongruity. This is probably one of the most horrible ways to die, locked up in a cell till you breath your last.

In this era of live-in relationships and multiple affairs, lashings would equal unjust murder. It would be left to one's upbringing and morals imposed by our cultural surroundings to know where to draw the line between morality and religion.

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