Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dreams... A "bucket list"!

Dreams, and what they're made of…
And why you should never let anyone shatter your dreams.



1. Bungee-jumping

2. Sky diving / deep sea diving

3. Sight seeing, travel continents and to go to far off places and explore the ways of nature.

4. Write a book, become a good writer one day.

5. Develop a taste for the culinary arts… "Mind over matter, palate over food."
(Can't believe I just made that up. Rofl. xxx)

6. Learn what mojo is all about, find my mojo.

7. Discover my spiritual-self. Embark on a journey that is adventurous as well as something to be learnt from.

8. Learn a new language, preferably German or Italiano.

9. Get a tattoo! And pierce my ears thrice…(three back-to-back piercings)

10. Get streax, deep purple locks of hair and carry it with zest.

11. Never grow too old for jokes and learn the art of being truly charming.

12. Study at a foreign country / institution for a year and work part-time.

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